Now that we are a Florida-based family, it was time for James to learn how to swim. Water is everywhere here and it is much more of a necessity than it ever was in Utah. Once we settled into our rental place, I started looking around for swim lessons. As it turns out, most people shut lessons down in the “winter” months here since it’s too cold for backyard pools. I was directed to Southwest Aquatics by another swim teacher and we are so grateful to have found them. They are wonderful! They have an indoor heated pool and offer lessons year-round. James started in November with his instructor, Greg, and he did great! They start by teaching them to float on their back for basic survival if they fall in, and then they introduce the basic strokes for swimming. James loves the water and wasn’t scared at all. When he was finished with the basic instruction/survival course, he asked if he could keep swimming and so we signed him up for weekly “stroke” classes with his new instructor, Drew. The pictures and video are from his time with Greg, who is fantastic, and there will be a future post showing his progress later this year.
Kicking to the edge with his face under water.
This kid can really float!
James had a great time with Greg!
Enjoying his Twistee Treat reward for passing his
swimming test.