Our Shenk Family took a weekend trip to Harrisonburg, Virginia to meet up with other Shenk Families to celebrate being one big Shenk Family. Dan and Naomi Shenk did an incredible job hosting and ensuring that a good time was had by all! James had a wonderful time with his cousins, who kept him entertained (thanks, guys!), while Chris enjoyed driving some of the kids on the go-cart (an excuse to drive it for sure) and Jill lounged on the grass with some of the other moms and chatted about the kids. It was a wonderful weekend, albeit a quick one. Here are just a few of the millions of pictures taken…
Taylor and Hope take James for a walk
Daddy lets James drive (sorta)
James discovers bubbles
James and Jackson hang out
Mimi and Papa Shenk with all of their grandkids