March 2019

March of 2019 saw Chris move up to Vermont to start his new job, while the kids and I stayed behind to get everything packed up and say goodbye to so many friends and family in Florida. It was a … Read More

February 2019

Surprise! Christopher accepted the new position and the Traveling Shenks got ready for an exciting adventure in moving to Vermont! (Which I recognize you already know because it was a year ago, but just go with me on this one.) … Read More

December 2018, Part Two

Christmas time at Disney World is truly magical. The decorations are so detailed and so lovely that you can actually feel in the holiday spirit despite the fact that you probably don’t even need a jacket. This year, we spent … Read More

October 2018

October 2018 was a relatively low-key month for us. We spent the month at home, working around the house and spending time with our people. Ellie finally took her first steps and with the welcome addition of a new little … Read More

September 2018

September of 2018 brought two fun adventures about– Jill went to Costa Rica and Ellie turned one! This post doesn’t cover either of those things.  This one is an overview of the normal life occurring in the rest of the … Read More

August 2018

August of 2018 found us spending time at home tackling various projects around the house, hanging out by the pool, and spending time with our people.  You know, typical summertime fun. Ellie begins a love affair with Elmo that continues … Read More

July 2018

After such a busy and action-packed June, we stuck pretty close to home in July. The focus was on hanging out at our pool and spending time with friends and family. Florida summer is all about staying cool. Ellie turned … Read More

Marching Into Spring, Part Two

Fun times continued through the end of March, including celebrations for Unca Dave’s birthday at Epcot and Mimi & Papa’s 40th wedding anniversary party, and otherwise enjoying some relaxing days at home. Happy little bit of spring and sunshine. 💖 … Read More

Marching Into Spring, Part One

 Spring 2018 was a busy one for us, but full of fun. Here are some of the highlights. This sweet little thing was forever getting one sock off. Just one. Every time. Happily playing away in her bouncer chair. Look … Read More

The Rest of January

After returning home from our visit to Texas, we spent the rest of January close to home enjoying some great quality time with friends and family. James and Ellie just hanging out together. Ellie gets some time with her Papa. … Read More