August 2019

My cousin, Jimi, is hands-down one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, and we are always looking for opportunities to spend time together. In early August, we decided to meet in Buffalo, New York for a few … Read More

July 2019

Summer in Vermont is absolutely amazing. The weather is gorgeous, everything is green, and the outside beckons. Our little town of Winooski holds an open-air concert in Rotary Park every Wednesday (Winooski Wednesdays, obviously) and we walked over most weeks … Read More

June 2019- The Pauls Come to Town

Shortly after having Mimi and Papa in town, we were thrilled to welcome most of the Paul family to Vermont (we missed you, Danny!). We can always count on them to come visit us wherever we are and bring the … Read More

June 2019- Summer in Vermont Begins

Two months into our time in Vermont and we welcomed our first visitors– Chris’s parents! They drove up to spend some time with us and help explore our new area. Due to the tiny nature of our accommodations, they stayed … Read More

May 2019- Settling into Vermont

Spring weather appeared in May, and after unpacking and getting settled a bit in our little apartment, we were ready to head out and explore our new state. We started with our little town of Winooski, only one square mile, … Read More

December 2018, Part Two

Christmas time at Disney World is truly magical. The decorations are so detailed and so lovely that you can actually feel in the holiday spirit despite the fact that you probably don’t even need a jacket. This year, we spent … Read More

June 2018- West Virginia Vacation

Almost Heaven… West Virginia! Both sides of my family were born and raised in West Virginia, and I always enjoy getting to spend time there whenever we can. Since we would be next door, so to speak, in Virginia for … Read More

June 2018- C Family Visit

We were so thrilled to welcome our friends, the C family, for a fun-filled couple of weeks. From crafts to swimming to Disney days, we crammed a ton of fun into their vacation and our too-infrequent time together. There are … Read More

Turning 39 in Pennsylvania

For Chris’s 39th birthday, he opted for a short weekend getaway to Bucks County, Pennsylvania to visit one of his favorite people, Aunt Alice. He and Aunt Alice have a special bond, and after the unexpected loss of Uncle Mike … Read More

The Kids in April

Here is a sweet little post full of cute pictures of the kiddos in April.   There’s a rumor that Ellie looks a bit like her momma…  Ellie at 6 months Jill around 6 months old Ellie hanging out with GrandPoppa. … Read More